Why Your Website is Key to Attracting Top Talent

By: Randi Grant from Perfect Patients

Your practice website is the hub of your digital marketing efforts. But it’s also a critical hiring process component when bringing on a new Associate DC. 

In the same way, patients check you out online, and so do applicants responding to your job ad. Remember, your prospective Associate is interviewing you as much as you hope to interview them.

Many Associates will be “digital natives,” having grown up on the Internet. As such, they have far greater insight into things digital and can discern a dated website quickly. 

Did you know website designs have a shelf life of just 3-5 years? Anything older is considered outdated by the modern consumer.

Imagine this: You’re a recent grad looking for an associate position. You see two jobs available in your area. Before applying, you research the practices to see if they’d be a good fit. 

When you visit Practice A’s website, you see that it is modern, with professional photos of the office and staff, content that tells a compelling story, and it’s as if you’ve stepped inside the practice. It feels like a warm hug! 

Unfortunately, Practice B’s website evokes a different reaction. There are only stock photos, so you’re not sure what anyone at the practice, or the office itself, actually looks like. The content is generic. It seems outdated; you’re questioning whether that job posting is current or if they forgot to take it down (just like they forgot to maintain their website).

Which practice are you going to apply to?

This post will explore three ways to improve your chiropractic website to appeal to the best Associate DCs.

Chiropractic Websites That Attract Associate Doctors

Your chiropractic website is an extension of your practice. If there’s a disconnect between your real-life office experience and your website, you could be losing qualified Associate DCs (not to mention new patients). Your website needs to look like a place an Associate would want to practice.

Take a look at your website and assess it for the following three elements:

#1. Modern, High-Converting Design

It takes less than a second for people to form an opinion about your website that dictates whether they’ll stay or leave. 

Take a quick look at your website homepage. Does it…

  • Capture the essence of your practice?
  • Look like it was designed this century? 
  • Load quickly (almost instantaneously)?
  • Answer people’s most common questions?
  • Have a clear menu and easy navigation?

At Perfect Patients, we study the art and science of conversion – what causes website visitors to choose you. Yes, website traffic and rankings are essential. But choosing a chiropractor is personal. Prospective patients and staff members need to connect with you. They need to trust you. 

By studying thousands of website visitors who later became patients, fascinating data emerged that is used in every Perfect Patients website design and content strategy. Part of the science of conversion uses heat map technology to reveal where website visitors are clicking — and not clicking. 

Add that insight to a design that makes an emotional connection, and you’ve got a website that successfully guides Associate DCs along their journey to choosing you.

#2. Professional Photography

Actual photos of the doctor, staff, and office evoke trust in the website visitor. Whether it’s new patients or Associate DCs, they want to see you, not a stock photo. They want to see the inside of your office, not a generic photo of an adjusting table. 

If an Associate DC doesn’t feel comfortable with what they see on your website and can’t picture themselves working at your practice, they won’t apply for the job.

Custom photography connects in a way stock images simply can’t. Our Perfect Patients Premium and Ultimate level website plans include professional photography.

Not photogenic? No problem. Your practice doesn’t look like a page out of Architectural Digest? That’s not a problem, either. You’ll be amazed by how a capable photographer can capture your special connection with patients and staff. A smile. The right camera angle. Some artful cropping. Together they provide proof that puts prospective patients and staff members at ease.

#3. Custom Content That Tells Your Story

Prospective Associates want to know as much about your practice as possible before applying. They want to know about your mission, culture, values, and details about the position they are applying for.

Custom, professionally written content that tells your unique story is critical to an effective chiropractic website. At Perfect Patients, our writing team carefully crafts persuasive content based on a telephone interview with the doctor. This unique process allows us to transform your chiropractic philosophies into compelling content encourages people to choose you.

What content is most important? 

There are five key pages (we call them the “money pages”) on your website:

  1. Homepage
  2. Doctor[s] Bio
  3. Contact Us
  4. About Us
  5. Services

These five pages do the majority of the heavy lifting when converting website visitors into new patients or employees. 

Read through these pages on your site. Are they compelling? Do they capture the spirit of your practice? Would you want to work there? If not, it may be time for an update.

Improve Your Chiropractic Website To Attract Better Associate DCs

A company’s website is often the first point of contact between a job candidate and a potential employer. As such, it plays a crucial role in shaping candidates’ perceptions of the company and can heavily influence their decision to apply for a job. 

If you’re looking to hire an Associate Chiropractor and your website is ready for an upgrade, click here to schedule a complimentary website evaluation. You’ll get actionable tips for improving your practice website and learn how a Perfect Patients site can help you build the team of your dreams.

Chiro Match Makers has the process of hiring DC’s and CA’s down to a science. Here are 4 ways we can help you today!

1. Download our coveted DC Interview Guide before your next interview
This is the most critical hire you will ever make in your practice. Most of us have only learned how to interview from our own past experiences and our gut. Our template provides you with unique questions and a systematic way to help ensure you find the right person for the job you have available. Download a copy here.

2. Download CA Hiring Success Roadmap
Building your A+ team is the difference between having the ability to scale or not.  If done right, it can be a path to freedom and increased profit. If done wrong, it can be one of the most-costly mistakes you ever make. Go here to get your copy of the CA Hiring Success Roadmap.

3. Explore the best way to leverage a Locum in your practice.
Grab a copy of our Benefits to Hiring a Locum Guide that will be the best time you’ve spent in buying back your time freedom.

4. Connect with us!
If you’d like to connect with us for a brainstorming session just click here to access our schedule link and find a time that’s best for you. We’d love to learn more about your practice and help you reach your goals!

improve chiropractic website
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