What Do Chiropractic Assistants Do?

If you’ve been in a car accident, experienced joint pain, or have looked to be more proactive with your health, you may have visited a chiropractor. 

Chiropractic care is one of the most trusted forms of wellness that people turn to today. Chiropractic assistants are an essential part of this industry, and this career path can be rewarding to people who take an interest in it. 

Keep reading to learn more about how you can get into the field. 

What Is a Chiropractic Assistant?

Chiropractic care takes expertise and skilled hands. For chiropractors to keep doing what they do best, it takes the help of professional chiropractic assistants. 

These professionals are the lifeblood of the chiropractic practice since they handle administrative tasks and help the chiropractor stay organized. They aren’t directly involved in diagnosing or treating the patients but are necessary for any chiropractic practice. 

What Do Chiropractic Assistants Do?

Take the time to consider the day-to-day tasks of a chiropractic assistant so that you can figure out what your workload will look like if they join this career path. Here are some of the roles that you may take on when you decide to become a chiropractic assistant:

  • Checking patients in for their appointments
  • Managing schedules and patient load calendars
  • Handling health insurance and patient billing information
  • Administering and archiving x-rays for patients
  • Work on collecting past-due accounts from patients who have balances

Chiropractic assistants play a considerable role in keeping chiropractic clinics running how they should continue so that the practice can thrive.  

How Much Do Chiropractic Assistants Earn?

You must study the job salary of a chiropractic assistant so that you can figure out whether the career path suits you. These salaries generally start at about $26,000 and can reach $51,000 depending on the location and years and experience. 

Consider your geographic location so you can determine your cost of living and whether or not this is suitable for your needs and your ability to take care of your family. 

What Are the Job Description and Requirements of a Chiropractic Assistant?

Aside from the tasks you’ll undergo, you must understand the job description of a chiropractic assistant so you know what professional and people skills are required. You can take the necessary steps from here and begin filling open job applications for these positions in your area. 

When looking into these postings, here are a few things that a staffing agency will be looking for:

  • You must fulfill educational requirements, which typically involve a high school diploma, General Educational Development (GED) certificate, or equivalent. 
  • Completed chiropractic assistance coursework that teaches you the ins and outs of the position
  • Stellar communication skills
  • Proficiency and understanding of technology and a willingness to learn different Software as a Service (SaaS) programs
  • Customer service skills when answering phones and helping patients.
  • Discipline and organization skills
  • A willingness to learn and continue your education

With this skill set, you will always be an asset to a chiropractic office. This job role is in-demand, mainly because the chiropractic field is also on the rise.  

What Are Some of the Job Benefits?

There are plenty of benefits that you will enjoy when you decide to become a chiropractic assistant. For one, it is an excellent field to get into if you aspire to become a chiropractor or join another medical or health-related field. 

It’s an excellent career path if you love interacting with people and playing a role in helping them feel better after they’ve been dealing with ailments. Here are some of the other benefits that chiropractic practices may offer:

  • Competitive health insurance, dental, vacation pay, and other competitive benefits packages
  • A job with a competitive salary without having to go through 4 years of college
  • It’s always in demand, and you can work in any city or state
  • The skillset translates into other medical and non-medical job fields
  • Working with chiropractors can help you learn more about your health and wellness

If you’re considering joining this field, reach out to a few different professionals to learn about their experiences and what they have learned over the past few years. Map out what you hope to gain from the career regarding money, job, and life experience, and devise a plan of action to make it happen.

Explore This Career Path

Chiropractic assistants are an essential piece of the puzzle of this industry. They play a vital role in helping patients heal from debilitating injuries because they keep the practice’s most critical parts running as they should. If it’s an industry that interests you, do your due diligence and figure out how you can make this career a reality. 

Chiro Match Makers can help you put everything together from start to finish and has the information you’re looking for. To get alerts about job openings and to learn more about this career, contact us on our site, or call (505)393-3462.

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1. Download our coveted DC Interview Guide before your next interview
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2. Download CA Hiring Success Roadmap
Building your A+ team is the difference between having the ability to scale or not.  If done right, it can be a path to freedom and increased profit. If done wrong, it can be one of the most-costly mistakes you ever make. Go here to get your copy of the CA Hiring Success Roadmap.

3. Explore the best way to leverage a Locum in your practice.
Grab a copy of our Benefits to Hiring a Locum Guide that will be the best time you’ve spent in buying back your time freedom.

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