Thank you for scheduling with us

I’m excited to learn about your practice and discover how we can help guide the transformation of your practice with a new team member.

Hiring is one of the most important decisions you can make for the growth of your practice. As a chiropractor myself, I understand the challenges of hiring, and during our call, I’ll happily answer your questions.

Throughout the last few years, our team of 14 full-time recruiters and placement specialists have helped over 500 chiropractors find ideal DC’s and CA’s for their practice.Our proven, proprietary process helps match the ideal candidate in your practice based on behavioral assessments, technique expertise, and cultural fit.We know that hiring a new team member can be a seven-figure benefit for your practice while hiring the wrong person can be a six-figure mistake.

Too many docs try to hire on their own and spend a ton of time and money only to be left frustrated and back where they started. We can help.

The ideal person for your practice is out there right now. I can’t wait to help you find them.

Talk to you soon.

Schedule a Call with a Recruiting Specialist Today