What’s Next For You?

Congratulations on making it this far on
your journey to becoming a chiropractor...

This is a great time to be a DC!

If you have just graduated, or you are about to graduate – or even if you are being pro-active in exploring your options in this great field – this program is for you.

The NEXT Program is designed for the DC who is exploring what is the best NEXT step for them.

Becoming a chiropractor was one of the biggest decisions of your life –

Not to mention the $200,000 (or more) that you have already invested…

The NEXT decisions that you make may be even bigger…with even more money on the line.

The NEXT Program Will Help You Make the Right Choices

There is a seriously flawed belief regarding what is available to you today regarding available career paths as a chiropractor…

This limiting belief has been around for decades – and it has stifled the spirits – and careers of countless DC’s in the past. This misled way of thinking can cloud your view of the options available to you – or worse, force bad decision-making and derail your future success. The NEXT Program will keep you from making that mistake.

Broken Belief System

“There are only 2 paths available to you as a chiropractor:”

  • Own a Practice and Be Successful
  • …and everyone else (working as a DC in someone else’s practice)

This could not be further from the truth!

We have identified 10 Tracks to Success for Chiropractors…(And most of them do not require you to be a business owner.)

Each one of these unique “Tracks” represents a different career path for a DC to make a great living – while doing it in a way that brings them joy and fulfillment.

  • Which of these unique Tracks represents the BEST path for you?
  • Do you know what is most important to you as a practitioner?
  • What do you want out of your career?
  • What does success look like to you?
  • How do you want to spend your day in and day out in practice?

And most importantly…

  • How are you “hard-wired” as a human being to succeed?

The NEXT Program will help you answer these questions and more, will help you understand yourself and your wants more clearly – and help you gain clarity around the many new options available to you today in the chiropractic industry.

The NEXT Program Will Help You Discover

10 different “Tracks” or models of practice

The Ins and Outs of different practice models

The Pros and Cons of these different tracks

Which Tracks are the most risky and capital intensive

Which Tracks are the most promising financial options

What type of person thrives in which environment

You will hear from experienced and successful area experts that will “give it to you straight”…

There is no “one best way for everyone”…but there is a best ways for YOU.

The most powerful aspect of the NEXT Program is that you will start with an assessment of YOU as a person and practitioner.  You will gain great insights about yourself – and a valuable understanding around in which exactly what practice model and career path are you best suited to thrive!

What’s Included with the Program?

In order to make the BEST decisions about which path may be best for your future – the NEXT Program will help you understand more about yourself. With one incredibly brief but powerful assessment, you will gain insights into how you are hard-wired to behave – and in turn – which TRACKS or Practice Models you are naturally designed to thrive in (and which models would stress you out.)

  • As part of the NEXT Program, you will receive your own proprietary predictive behavioral profile along with a video that explains how to interpret your results.
  • You also get access to a 10 module video series that showcases each of the 10 different tracks to chiropractic success. Each module explores the details of each practice model, the expectations / job descriptions of each, the Pros and Cons and compensation models of each.  Most importantly, each module includes a discussion around which predictive behavioral assessment type thrives in each of the models –  so that you can easily see which Track would most likely best align with you.

Is This Program Right For You?

Whether you are considering starting your own practice from scratch, buying and existing practice or joining a franchise opportunity – The NEXT Program gives you the insiders information.

If you are considering getting into practice on your own but don’t have the money to do so – we show you the many creative solutions to practice to help you make that happen.

Maybe you are considering becoming an Associate. Well, no two associate positions are the same.  We go through several options ranging from classic Care-Giver arrangements, Business-Builders, corporate clinics and or partnering opportunities like Plant to Partner or Plant to Purchase.  We take an agnostic, objective approach to all of these scenarios, so that you can understand all the options and make an educated decision.

As part of NEXT PROGRAM, you also get access to the most successful chiropractic leaders in the industry

Ready to share best practices, personal experiences and willing to answer your questions to guide you on what is best for YOU. You will get access to the minds of Dr. Allen Miner and Dr. Stephen Franson, two of the chiropractic industry’s more successful and trusted leaders.

Both Dr. Allen and Dr. Stephen consider themselves Tour Guides – not Travel Agents – in this space.  Travel Agents tend to send you to places that they have never been…Tour Guides show around a place that they know well!  They both pack deep industry experience – including all 10 of the Chiropractic Success Tracks discussed in the NEXT Program.

You will enjoy their direct and matter-a-fact approach to this content. They are committed to one thing: you making the right choice for your future. This Program is designed to be completely agnostic – our goal is to strictly provide you with all the ins and outs and the pros and cons of every possible opportunity you have as a chiropractor so you can make the best next move for you and your goals..

From Confusion to Confidence

Make your NEXT move with confidence and certainty. Don’t stress-out and try to go it alone.  Leverage the information and insight that you will find in the NEXT Program – and accelerate your success.  Do not guess when it comes to your future. This is not the time to gamble.  The NEXT Program will reduce the risk in this process and get you headed in  the right direction – and on the right “TRACK” today.

You get your personal ProScan behavioral assessment, the ProScan Report of Findings (about YOU) and the complete NEXT Program – a 12 module video training program that covers all 10 TRACKS to Chiropractic Success for the low one-time price of only $997…

or only $297 if you are a student or new graduate (last 12 months). 

This small fee can save you hundreds of thousands in dollars in “lessons learned” – and save you time in money from making the wrong move.

Don’t even consider taking your next step or making your next move in your career before attending the NEXT PROGRAM!

Be confident in your decision you make about your career after graduating.

Go from NEXT?? to NEXT!! with a new level of confidence and excitement!

Schedule a Call with a Recruiting Specialist Today