Associate Chiropractor Staffing

Hire an Associate

The Chiro Match Maker process was born out of our own personal pain and failures as we attempted to build and scale our own practices. The solutions that we created evolved into the system that guides our unique services for the Chiropractic profession.

We start by always forming a crystal clear understanding with a clinic owner own of their goals and pain points with staff. Once we understand what you are working towards creating, we then begin to define and build your “avatar,” or ideal job model for the person that would fill that position inside of your unique office.

Your specific systems, culture, current team members, and even your own distinct traits as a leader and owner all have to be considered when we define who exactly we are looking for to fill this position for you. We have observed that the most successful companies use data to guide their decisions. Data helps to take emotion out of decisions, which is particularly helpful when you are hiring someone to not go off of your gut feelings towards someone.

Our suite of unique and proprietary tools creates our “Predictive Alignment Algorithm.” This formula is then used as the lens to qualify all potential applicants for the Associate Doctor position that you have available.

How Does Chiro Match Makers Work?

1. Schedule Your Brainstorming Session

Set up a convenient time to have our Associate doctor placement specialists explain how our system works, why it’s so effective for long term successful hiring, and answer all of your questions.

2. Follow Our Predictive Placement Process

Harness our propitiatory predictive alignment algorithm to create a customized avatar and plan of attack to find the ideal doctor for your office.

3. Find the Perfect Fit For Your Team

Allow us to find the person missing from your team so that you can get back to using your strengths and create the time and freedom to build the practice of your dreams.

What Our Clients Say

“You will not regret this decision! Revenue will come out of this.”

Dr. Ron

“We figured out who I needed then they did everything else for me!

Dr. Kris

“I have a better team and DC because CMM hired the right person.”

Dr. Joe

What Makes Us Different?

Over the last decade, we have found the only way to ensure the success of both owners and associates has been to create a highly precise and effective match backed by evaluation, experience, and evidence. Our expansive network of talent cuts across the entire chiropractic ecosystem. This is all driven by a thirst to innovate, build and scale.

We have found most chiropractors and owners all want the same things from a career – to do worthwhile work that they are passionate about, make a difference in the world, and get paid handsomely. But this perfect scenario never just falls into your lap, so the question becomes how can you flip the odds to be in your favor?

With 66% of all associate arrangements failing, the root of the problem stems from the fact that most of these arrangements start out with guesswork, gut-feelings, or a quick need to fill a void. This is a recipe for disaster. We get it. We’ve been there before, and countless others will no doubt be there in the future. When you don’t have a good fit, no one involved in the relationship wins.

Our chiropractic matchmaking method helps stop the madness and frustration found on both sides of the hiring and job search process. This insures that your next hires are all the right people.

Schedule a Call with a Recruiting Specialist Today