6 Benefits of Becoming a Chiropractic Assistant

Think about the people you know who suffer from back pain, stiff neck, poor posture, and chronic pain. Now multiply that number by tens of millions.

Athletes rely on chiropractors to help prevent injuries and improve their in-game performance. Chiropractors meet with over 35 million people each year for the above challenges, including arthritis-related pain. Chiropractors also focus on human performance.

This demand is creating more job opportunities in health and wellness, especially the chiropractic assistant career path. Even better, you don’t have to go to a four-year university (or grad school) to kick start a career in chiropractic care.

These are just a few benefits of becoming a chiropractic assistant. 

Discover six more reasons to start your training today.

1. Apply Your Passion for Health and Science

Are you fascinated by human anatomy, biology, or simply how the body works?

Did you always want a career in health or science but don’t have the capacity (or resources) to commit to years of medical school?

Working at a chiropractic practice is an excellent way to grow your knowledge in the topics you’re passionate about.

Hands-on knowledge helps you stay up to date on chiropractic industry trends, like new adjustment technologies, table designs, ultrasound technologies, and more tools.

2. Advance Your Chiropractic Assistant Education for Less

4-year university undergraduate and grad programs come with steep tuition costs. Student loan borrowers owe about $1.75 trillion in debt collectively. This number averages roughly $37,000 per student.

Chiropractic assistant programs are a sliver of that amount, with most averaging under $7,000.

Make sure your school of choice has the CCE seal of approval from the Council on Chiropractic Education.

A chiropractic assistant program is an excellent compromise that pays off at a fraction of the cost. Not only can you avoid mountains of debt, but you can even start your career immediately. Newly trained chiropractic assistants can look for available jobs right away in states all across the U.S., including locations in Canada.

3. A Fulfilling Career Choice

Are you always the first person to lend a hand?

Do you enjoy helping others or volunteering in your community?

Chiropractors rely on assistants to make patients feel comfortable in the office. 

Assistants play a critical role in improving the quality of life of patients. It may even inspire you to take the road toward becoming a chiropractor yourself.

4. Learn New Skills as a Chiropractic Assistant

Learning new skills regularly sharpens the mind and opens new career doors. Even better, it inspires the creativity to build a new product or business yourself.

There are different chiropractic assistant roles, from office management to technical jobs.

Chiropractic office managers ensure the administrative end is taken care of. Quick and friendly phone skills are just one skill to have. Office assistants are data entry pros, computer-savvy, data managers, and problem-solvers.

As an office assistant or manager, your job may entail maintaining vendor relationships. This may include ordering, paying invoices, and talking to vendors.

Chiropractic assistants may also be responsible for preparing adjustment and examination rooms. This typically includes cleaning, stocking supplies, sterilizing tools, and adjusting tables. 

Becoming a chiropractic assistant is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the wellness industry. Chiropractic care can be supplemented with other natural and integrative methods, like massage, acupuncture, yoga, and more.

 5. Career Security and Advancement

One of the most important factors in choosing a career is job security. This advantage is one of the biggest draws to medical assisting careers.

If you browse current North American job openings, you’ll notice many chiropractic assistant positions start with great salaries. Coupled with great benefits, these positions provide steady income, job security, and opportunities for growth.

Even better, if you need to relocate to another state, you can find another chiropractic assistant position in your area as demand continues to grow. Having a CCE-approved chiropractic assistant certification is great on your resume as you search for top jobs in your area.

6. Learn How to Run a Chiropractic Practice

Chiropractors rely on self-starters like yourself to maintain workflow. You’ll wear many hats as a chiropractic assistant at your office, from phone receptionist to purchaser. You also get a unique look at how a chiropractic business is run.

You already learned about the importance of client service, purchase orders, vendor relationships, and room prep. Other administrative responsibilities include spotting repair issues for maintenance personnel.

In a way, you’re a practice manager, as well. One of your primary responsibilities is to improve the patient experience. Maintaining a clean, positive lobby area and exam room is integral to that experience.

Marketing is another facet of chiropractic offices that you’ll encounter daily. Your chiropractor assistant job may inspire a deeper interest in health and wellness marketing. Countertop displays, branded pens, business cards, and free stress balls are all forms of marketing.

Your passion for social media could be a real asset to your local chiropractor’s office. If you’re social-media savvy, you could express interest in running the office’s Facebook or Twitter account. You could even create a page if they don’t have one.

Become a Chiropractic Assistant Today

Are you ready to kick start a career that speaks to your passions?

Start investigating CCE-approved chiropractic assistant programs in your area.
Learn more about this in-demand career, or start browsing open job opportunities to find your dream position!

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1. Download our coveted DC Interview Guide before your next interview
This is the most critical hire you will ever make in your practice. Most of us have only learned how to interview from our own past experiences and our gut. Our template provides you with unique questions and a systematic way to help ensure you find the right person for the job you have available. Download a copy here.

2. Download CA Hiring Success Roadmap
Building your A+ team is the difference between having the ability to scale or not.  If done right, it can be a path to freedom and increased profit. If done wrong, it can be one of the most-costly mistakes you ever make. Go here to get your copy of the CA Hiring Success Roadmap.

3. Explore the best way to leverage a Locum in your practice.
Grab a copy of our Benefits to Hiring a Locum Guide that will be the best time you’ve spent in buying back your time freedom.

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